Finished films Films in production Films in development



by Ali Cherri

Sudan, near the Merowe Dam. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to build a mysterious construction made of mud. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his creation starts to take a life of its own…

Drama | France, Sudan, Lebanon, Germany, Serbia, Qatar | 80 mins
HD | color | Dolby SRD
Languages: Arabic

World premiere: Cannes 2022

Sudan, near the Merowe Dam. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to build a mysterious construction made of mud. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his creation starts to take a life of its own…

Main role Maher                     Maher El Khair

Script Ali Cherri, Geoffroy Grison / in collaboration with Bertrand Bonello
Director Ali Cherri
Producer Janja Kralj, Rémi Bonhomme, Imane Fares, Alsamoual Hussein, Thanassis Karathanos, Martin Hampel, Vladimir Perisic, Vanja Milanovic
Production KinoElektron (France)
Co-Production Galerie Imane Fares (France)

DGL Travel (Sudan)

Twenty Twenty Vision Filmproduktion GmbH (Germany)

Trilema (Serbia)

with the support of Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée

Institut Français

Doha Film Institute


Arab Fund for Arts and Culture

World Cinema Fund

Art Jameel

Film Center Serbia – Ministry of Culture and Information Republic of Serbia

Onassis Culture

Indie Sales Company

Image/Mouvement du Centre National Des Arts Plastiques

Fondation Nationale Des Arts Graphiques Et Plastiques

[N.A!] Project

Hubert Bals Fund of International Film Festival Rotterdam


International sales Indie Sales Company
DOP Bassem Fayad
Sound Thomas van Pottelberge, Jakov Munidaba, Simon Apostolou
Editing Isabelle Manquillet, Nelly Quettier
VFX Mel Massadian
Composer ROB

World premiere:  Cannes 2022 (Cannes Directors’ Fortnight)

Melbourne International Independent Film Festival
New York International Independent Film Festival
IndieLisboa International Independent Film Festival
Festival du Film Arabe de Fameck
Bergen International Film Festival
Seville European Film Festival
Tokyo FILMeX
São Paulo International Film Festival
Cairo International Film Festival
Thessaloniki Film Festival
Oslo Films from the South Festival
Singapore International Film Festival
Luxembourg City Film Festival
IFF and Forum on Human Rights Geneva
Hong Kong International Film Festival
IndieLisboa International Film Festiva